
Backup with rsnapshot

Step-by-step instructions

Last update: 2021.04.02

Backup! Backup! Backup!

I have two r-pi booting from SSD drives instead of SD cards. Now, I want to triger rsync from r-pi A and have both r-pi A and r-pi B (the full SSD boot drive) copied on an external NAT drive connected to r-pi A.

For this project, I will use rsnapshot to make automated periodic copies.

Step 1: multiple sshd instance

When I need access to the r-pi from my laptop or my mobile phone, I connect through ssh with a rsa key secured by a strong password. For this project, we need to allow r-pi A to connect to r-pi B through ssh, but we will use another sshd instance and connect using a rsa key without password.

First, let’s create a secondary sshd instance to open a connection between r-pi A and B.

- On the r-pi B -

Change directory

cd /etc/ssh

Copy the sshd_config file as sshd-internal_config or using whatever name you like

sudo cp sshd_config sshd-internal_config

Edit sshd-internal_config

sudo nano sshd-internal_config

Change the port number (22555 is an example). Just make it different than the default port (usually 22) or any other port already in use.

Port 22555

Change directory

cd /lib/systemd/system

Copy the ssh.service file as ssh-internal.service or using whatever name you like

sudo cp ssh.service ssh-internal.service

Edit ssh-internal.service

sudo nano ssh-internal.service

Add the following

Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server auditd.service

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -D -f /etc/ssh/sshd-internal_config $SSHD_OPTS
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


Enable ssh-internal.service

sudo systemctl enable ssh-internal.service

You should see the following

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/sshd-internal.service to /lib/systemd/system/ssh-internal.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/ssh-internal.service.


sudo reboot

And make sure everything is running normally

sudo systemctl status ssh-internal.service

You should see something like

Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh-internal.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-04-01 02:39:06 CEST; 19h ago
Main PID: 1760 (sshd)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/ssh-internal.service
└─1760 /usr/sbin/sshd -D -f /etc/ssh/sshd-internal_config
- On the r-pi A -

If necessary, create a .ssh directory

sudo mkdir ~/.ssh

Change directory

cd ~/.ssh

Create a rsa key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -f ./pi-squid-rsnapshot-key

Set permissions

sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*-rsnapshot-key

Create a new config file

sudo nano ~/.ssh/config

And add the following (adjust as needed)

Host remotehost-rsnapshot-pi-squid
port 22555
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/pi-squid-rsnapshot-key

And in the host config file

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Put a new line at the end   remotehost-rsnapshot-pi-squid


And test that you can connect with a simple command line

ssh remotehost-rsnapshot-pi-squid


Step 2: rsnapshot

- On the r-pi A -

Install rsnapshot

sudo apt-get install rsnapshot

Edit the rsnapshot configuration file

sudo nano /etc/rsnapshot.conf

What’s important is (edit as needed, these are my settings)

Important: The rsnapshot config file does not recognise spaces, use tab instead or it will generate an error message.

Where you want the backup to be stored

snapshot_root   /media/nextcloud/shared/backup/

How many backups do you want on a daily, weekly, monthly basis

retain  daily   7
retain  weekly  4
retain  monthly 12

The arguments to be passed to the command for ssh to work (edit your port number and USER as needed)

ssh_args        -p 22555 -i /home/USER/.ssh/pi-squid-rsnapshot-key

Exclude some directories from the copy (again, edit as needed)

exclude         /dev/*
exclude         /media/*
exclude         /proc/*
exclude         /sys/*
exclude         /run/*
exclude         /var/tmp/*
exclude         /var/run/*
exclude         /tmp/*
exclude         /lost+found/*

Define what you want to be backed up. It can be a few selectd directory, or the whole system as below

To backup r-pi A (local)

backup  /	destination_directory_name/

To backup r-pi B (remote)

backup  USER@remotehost-rsnapshot-pi-squid:/	destination_directory_name/

See down below my rsnapshot.con file for reference

Test your configuration syntax

sudo rsnapshot configtest

You should see

Syntax OK

Do a “dry-run” test of the backup process

sudo rsnapshot -v -c /etc/rsnapshot.conf daily

WHen happy, use the cron to schedule your backup processes

Daily: at 1 am
Weekly: every monday at 2 am
Monthly: every first monday of the month at 3 am

0 1 * * *               root    /usr/bin/rsnapshot daily
0 2 * * 1               root    /usr/bin/rsnapshot weekly
0 3 1 * *               root    /usr/bin/rsnapshot monthly

You can also launch the process manually, with or without the cverbose (-v) argument

sudo rsnapshot -v daily


If you use Nextcloud, you can install Samba and share your backup directory as a shared folder.



rsnapshot - my full config file

config_version  1.2

snapshot_root /media/nextcloud/shared/backup/

no_create_root  1

cmd_cp    /bin/cp
cmd_rm    /bin/rm
cmd_rsync /usr/bin/rsync
cmd_ssh /usr/bin/ssh
cmd_logger  /usr/bin/logger
cmd_du    /usr/bin/du

retain  daily 7
retain  weekly  4
retain  monthly 12

verbose   2
loglevel  3

lockfile  /var/run/

ssh_args  -p 22555 -i /home/USER/.ssh/pi-squid-rsnapshot-key

one_fs    1

exclude   /dev/*
exclude   /media/*
exclude   /proc/*
exclude   /sys/*
exclude   /run/*
exclude   /var/tmp/*
exclude   /var/run/*
exclude   /tmp/*
exclude   /lost+found/*

backup    /					mizuki-serv/
backup 	  USER@remotehost-rsnapshot-pi-squid:/	pi-squid/